
Introduction to Sam

Hi everyone! I'm Sam, mole of OMC4 and second-last player of OMC3. Travis created the second best ORG on the Internet with OMC. You are very lucky to take part in the next incarnation, so don't be pathetic losers like Ty and whatever-his-name-is and idle out like those two did last game. I wish Ryan had selected more than 10 people since it sounds like he got a fair number of applicants in order to prevent this from happening again. I also wish he had personally selected you guys, since it seems to me that this challenge format did not work out to select a cast for OMC4. But he's the host and not me so I'm sure he has reasons for all of that. =)

I've hosted 6 Survivor games and 2 Mafia games over the past four years which is why I think I know so much. You can see my 36-person magnum opus All-Star game here: Survivor 5: Asteria ~ All-Stars. It's got links to all the rest of my games as well as a 26 episode summary for that game. Recently I placed first out of 30 in Joe's Big Brother 7, a grueling 100-day struggle for power between serious players.

As the mole in OMC4, I somehow managed to eke out the best performance of any mole in the series. Besides the winner, only two out of 26 quizzes were written out with me as the mole and neither of those were on the episode they were eliminated. At the final 3 I had convinced Ryan L that Ryan F was the mole, pocketing me $32.63 which I spent on Final Fantasy I+II: Dawn of Souls for the GBA. For a complete summary of how I played the game and all of my tricks, read my blog from the game.

By now you think I'm an arrogant wanker because I've been blowing my own horn for the last three paragraphs. But I'm really not, I promise. =) I just believe I have some experience in the area, which is why I think my ideas are at least worth considering. I may be totally and laughably incorrect on who the mole is as the game goes on, but that's part of the fun and I'm not afraid to embarass myself.

The biggest worry I have with this blog is that we will all spend our time pontificating on games of the past and not pay attention to the one going on at the current time. Other than this post, I promise to try and keep the focus on OMC5 and not on the glory days of the past. I will reference things I've learned during my stint as the mole (and I encourage you to read my blog to read about some key tactics that will help you as the mole or to discover the mole) but I will try and keep that to a minimum. There's going to be a fantastic game taking place in front of our eyes and I can't wait to see it.

Though I am a little worried for whoever the Mole is this season. You have three people watching you like hawks: two previous Moles and the freaking host of four seasons who watched every game and knows all the behind-the-scenes secrets. Is it humanly possible for anyone to camoflauge themselves in such a brightly-lit arena? They will have to pull out the tricks like never before and manage to blend in plain sight. I'm excited to see how it plays out.

Good luck to everyone and keep an eye on our blog!


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