
Well I'VE been told

Pffft, what-ever! Apparently somebody doesn't appreciate my use of an online anagram generator to come up with hundreds of pointless word combinations. Some people just do not understand art. Oh well.

Good luck to the team with this episode's "Mole Idol" challenge - these "work together" things have never turned out very well in the past, so if you guys are able to pull together it will be quite an accomplishment for sure.




What an excellent use of space...


Something interesting

I just watched that documentary "Wordplay" about the New York Times crossword puzzle so that inspired me to do some wordplay of my own with the names of the remaining players. Observe:


[picture a really long list of anagrams of the above names here]

Wasn't THAT interesting?


Ah, HA!

Ha ha ha!!! I am fairly sure that I figured out the Mole! I am not going to reveal how for who I think it is, though. I just thought you should know. (b'-')b


Episode 4: A New Hope

Aaah. The old identity swap challenge. You are a cruel mistress, but also fair.

Kudos to Padraig and Evin for being able to deceive the group, especially since you two seem to have the biggest personalities out of anyone in the game. Not an easy task, but well played.

This Tycoon game seemed rather complicated, more complicated than my business minor will allow me to comprehend. Suffice it to say, it seemed like a pretty sweet challenge.

The team seems to be picking up speed now that the dead weight is dropping off. The mole traditionally lies low in this episode, but it seems that practically anyone could have been responsible for a little bit of sabotage anyway. I have a candidate in mind, but posting it here would be telling.

Here were my rankings for the mole point challenge. Padraig was the only guy who made me laugh out loud:

1. Padraig
2. Fred
3. Mike
4. Aaron
5. Evin

See yunz!


MPC 3 and 4

Ok, to start off, I'm sorry that I did not post about anything last week. I have been really REALLY busy with an important school report. But now I'm back :D. Below I posted the rating I gave for both the 3rd and 4th episode Mole Point Challenges.

Episode 3

These were all incredibly difficult to choose between, please everybody believe me. I did my best to narrow down the winners. They were all top-three material.
Padraig- Your's was pretty good! I thought it was pretty funny how you tried to get some names to rhyme. Now where have I heard the phrase "Dumb as an ion..." oh wait, nowhere, lol.

Fred- I am suprised! Your's was really really good. The poem kept a beat, which is great as well. I liked how it told what actually occured in the game, so good job.

Ryan- I thought yours was good too! (this looks much better than the last MPC, everyone) Very creative how you used each letter of the alphabet, that must have taken some time.

Aaron- EXCELLENT quality. Good ryhmes and style.

Andy- creative i guess? I didn't want to take the time to figure this out... I wasn't much of a "poem" how it is, and you're making me decrypt a message to see your poem? no.

Keith- Pretty good. Short and simple. Very nice.

This was really tough to choose. They were all really close. They are all top three potential, but I had to rate them somehow.

1. fred
2. aaron
3. padraig
4. ryan
5. keith
6. andy

Episode 4

Hmmm...these all seemed pretty hard! Most of you did better than what I could think of. Here's my order.
(1 best, 5 least best but still good but not THE best of the best)

1. Evin
2. Padraig
3. Fred
4. Aaron
5. Mike

Padraig- The first was pretty good, but the others weren't as funny.
Aaron- The first was good, but alas, the next two did not compare to the first...
Evin- You win for the monkey one! Like the others, only one of yours truely shines.
Mike- They were OK.
Fred- Good first one. The 2nd one was good too. The 3rd was OK.

I did not get to observe much of what happened concerning the tasks, but I will check in more next episode.



Episode 4

We're at episode 4 already, so I suppose I should begin looking into the manner of this whole "mole business" that we are all here to discuss. A huge part of it is one-on-one conversations so it's harder... and I've been enjoying the game as a whole rather than going about the crazy deductions of who is trying to screw it up for everybody. =) Meanie!

So the Google Earth challenge was pretty much un-sabotagable for me when I did it last season. It's near impossible to find a location to "mistake" as one in the picture. If someone were to check my wrong answer, it'd be pretty obvious that it wasn't a genuine mistake. Not that that is a bad thing, but it might catch somebody's eye. Plus you don't even lose money with a wrong answer... you just lose winning... 4 cents. So it's totally not worth it. Better to sabotage big money events. Also I got the answers to all of those beforehand, as I expect the mole did this time too.

The tabloid game was an interesting one as a Mole I would have tried to either stall or screw it up. At the very least stall. See if anyone stalled that game in order to sabotage.

Lots of penalties in the last round. It's really not hard at ALL to avoid penalties. It takes at most one paragraph of private and public confessional. There's really no reason to hinder yourself if you want to stay in the game. That being said, I wonder if the Mole has deliberately taken a penalty... I hope so, it will help them stay undercover.

More later but my mind's a blank at the moment.


Comments on Eppy 3

Nice job team! Some money was actually made in this week's episode, though the challenges you made the money on didn't seem overly-difficult. No matter...

Package Peril

Weirdest live challenge ever. You guys just had to stand on a box? Mmmm. The question is whether the mole had any info as to what was in the boxes before the challenge began. Even if he did, what would the mole most likely go for? Would the mole be like Aaron, and go for the money, or be like Mike and Keith, and go for the exemption? Or maybe the mole didn't show at all? Interesting...

Where in the World are the Mini Moles?

This was a popular challenge in OMC 4 so I'm not surprised it was brought back. However, it seemed even more crazily difficult this time around. You can only go searching the whole world on Google Earth for so long before you give up, so I don't fault you guys at all.

Tabloid Twist

This challenge made me smile. Good job on figuring out the celebrities (though I wouldn't call Kim Jong and Condoleeza "celebrities").

Mole Points Challenge

Here were my rankings for the poems if you're interested...

1. Aaron
2. Keith
3. Andy
4. Fred
5. Ryan
6. Padraig

...though I thought you all did a great job.