
MPC 3 and 4

Ok, to start off, I'm sorry that I did not post about anything last week. I have been really REALLY busy with an important school report. But now I'm back :D. Below I posted the rating I gave for both the 3rd and 4th episode Mole Point Challenges.

Episode 3

These were all incredibly difficult to choose between, please everybody believe me. I did my best to narrow down the winners. They were all top-three material.
Padraig- Your's was pretty good! I thought it was pretty funny how you tried to get some names to rhyme. Now where have I heard the phrase "Dumb as an ion..." oh wait, nowhere, lol.

Fred- I am suprised! Your's was really really good. The poem kept a beat, which is great as well. I liked how it told what actually occured in the game, so good job.

Ryan- I thought yours was good too! (this looks much better than the last MPC, everyone) Very creative how you used each letter of the alphabet, that must have taken some time.

Aaron- EXCELLENT quality. Good ryhmes and style.

Andy- creative i guess? I didn't want to take the time to figure this out... I wasn't much of a "poem" how it is, and you're making me decrypt a message to see your poem? no.

Keith- Pretty good. Short and simple. Very nice.

This was really tough to choose. They were all really close. They are all top three potential, but I had to rate them somehow.

1. fred
2. aaron
3. padraig
4. ryan
5. keith
6. andy

Episode 4

Hmmm...these all seemed pretty hard! Most of you did better than what I could think of. Here's my order.
(1 best, 5 least best but still good but not THE best of the best)

1. Evin
2. Padraig
3. Fred
4. Aaron
5. Mike

Padraig- The first was pretty good, but the others weren't as funny.
Aaron- The first was good, but alas, the next two did not compare to the first...
Evin- You win for the monkey one! Like the others, only one of yours truely shines.
Mike- They were OK.
Fred- Good first one. The 2nd one was good too. The 3rd was OK.

I did not get to observe much of what happened concerning the tasks, but I will check in more next episode.



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