
Comments on Eppy 3

Nice job team! Some money was actually made in this week's episode, though the challenges you made the money on didn't seem overly-difficult. No matter...

Package Peril

Weirdest live challenge ever. You guys just had to stand on a box? Mmmm. The question is whether the mole had any info as to what was in the boxes before the challenge began. Even if he did, what would the mole most likely go for? Would the mole be like Aaron, and go for the money, or be like Mike and Keith, and go for the exemption? Or maybe the mole didn't show at all? Interesting...

Where in the World are the Mini Moles?

This was a popular challenge in OMC 4 so I'm not surprised it was brought back. However, it seemed even more crazily difficult this time around. You can only go searching the whole world on Google Earth for so long before you give up, so I don't fault you guys at all.

Tabloid Twist

This challenge made me smile. Good job on figuring out the celebrities (though I wouldn't call Kim Jong and Condoleeza "celebrities").

Mole Points Challenge

Here were my rankings for the poems if you're interested...

1. Aaron
2. Keith
3. Andy
4. Fred
5. Ryan
6. Padraig

...though I thought you all did a great job.


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