
Episode Two Notes

As far as the challenges went, you guys did pretty well. I thought the ideas for the challenges were all great concepts too. However, PLEASE participate more in mole point challenges! You just may need the points! All of us mini-moles would really like to see what you players can do! Next challenge, please have more than two of you participate, lol. You're just losing out on great advantages.


Sorry guys...

Hey everybodies.

Sorry I didn't get my rankings in for the mole point challenge... but dude, only two of you participated? Weak.

The reason I didn't get it in was because I was in the hospital yesterday. See, I was vomitting about once an hour every hour since 4 AM Sunday. Tons of fun. But not really.

I thought the "Tetris" challenge was pretty clever. Too bad it didn't go anywhere.

Hopefully you guys are going to do better in Episode 3. I'm rooting for you. Jesus is rooting for you.


Heidi's Elimination

I'm interested to know why you became inactive, Heidi. You were around during TMO, why not now?


Heidi's elimination

No comment... other than to say... NO COMMENT.



Just noticed this on Keith's blog:

Favorite movie: The Truman Show

Holy shit!! That is my absolute most-favoritest movie ever. I watch it like every year. Every time I do I find new symbolism or catch something I didn't (the directors paid so much attention into creating that fictional world there's so much detail). I love it!

Oh and look!

Favorite number: 3

Wow. I'm part math nerd and the number 3 sets me off. You are my new favorite.

Also I love Evin's blog as well. And his comments in the forums make me chuckle. "I'll hate you forever, mole" indeed. Though all this anti-mole chatter is awfully suspicious...

Here are my results. I really can't recall how I judged them. I really don't blame people for having ugly blogs because mine were always pretty lackluster. But a lot of them I couldn't even read... so I judged mostly on how cool your posts were and how extensive your biography was.

1. Evin
2. Keith
3. Ryan
4. Brent
5. Fred
6. Mike
7. Aaron
8. Padraig (Ryan L's insane-o-blog from omc4 used this template; it gave me flashbacks and nightmares.)
9. Andy


Episode 1 Thoughts

Episode one is over. So, the players didn't exactly get a great start... well at least one of you is happy (MOLE). Being honest, I wasn't expecting a great start, traditionally, ORG wins start off mildly because many people don't know each other. I bet you players will start to win more (unless, the mole has his way... O_O )

Aside from that, I judged the blogs u guys made. I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting much more creativity. Most (not all) looked like they were just slapped together real fast so you wouldn't miss your mom calling you for dinner. Anyways, here's my ranking as follows:

(10-highest, 1-lowest)

10. Keith - looks the best out of everyones, imo. Good design, text looks good, and it shows you actually tried
9. Padraig - looks good and shows involvement.
8. Ryan- it looks very polished and classy.
7. Evin - also looks very well-done and shows involvement too. It's just a little hard to read though
6. Aaron- Best of the rest.
5. Fred- At least there's 3 colors?
4. Brent- Sometimes a template is better than totally being plain.
3. Mike- Hmm... just not creative or visually interesting. Sorry.
2. Andy- The main part of a blog is to have words on it at least. This shows no effort.
1. Heidi- Um... you didn't make one.

Episode 1

So the cast has been revealed and the game is on. Looks like a lot of new faces, to me anyway. Could someone update me on who has played in previous Ryan or Travis games just so I can get an idea?

I see Padraig and Heidi back from omc3. I was excited about Heidi, but it appears she has gone inactive for the second game in a row? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...

Uh, I guess I'll keep my opinions about Padraig's performance in omc3 to myself. I'll just say that his gameplay is 100% predictable and not very exciting or impressive. In omc3 he latched on to David as the mole the very first week (partially due to a small mistake by David and partially just to luck) and never even thought about changing his choice. I hate "strategies" that do that. Expect him to do exactly the same here.

That is the very reason why moles cannot do very much sabotaging in episode one. Sure, it'd be memorable for a mole to go all out, make a dramatic huge fake sabotage episode one, and paint a perfect picture as a fake wannabe mole who is just out for attention. This might absolutely convince 80% of the players that this Mole is nothing but an idiotic, attention-whoring fake... but one or two boring players will take it at face value and put them down as their mole for the rest of the game. They will not waiver or adjust ever and that Mole is screwed. As brilliant as it may be, the Mole cannot afford to have one person latch onto them the whole game, so the Mole can't take that strategy from day one and instead has to start more subtlely.

However, looking at the pot from episode 1, maybe the Mole is doing just fine as is... however I suspect that unfortunately might be due to inactivity and lack of connection with the game rather than mole sabotage. That's unfortunate, but I bet the game will pick up soon. It does look like however that some fantastic applicants were left in the dust... I'm all for continuing omc traditions, but not fanatically so. There's no reason why omc5 has to be a carbon copy of past omcs. Keep what works, change what doesn't and introduce some new life into things. Variety is the spice of life. =)

I'm getting to know the new players through their blogs and the competitions so I don't have too many thoughts on that at the moment. Keep your blogs updated and be as active as you can and I'm sure this will be a fantastic game.

PS: That Paranoia wikipedia article that Travis posted in his first post? I got it deleted, mwhahaha.

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

Well the cast has finally been revealed. There are some old and new faces in the mix. Some of them have shown that they're serious about playing the game, others not so much. Will the first execution be everyone's favorite "inactive player" elimination? Do bears **** in the woods?

In other news, the results of this first episode do not bode very well for the rest of the game. Maybe when the inactives are all given the boot the team will finally start to make some cash monies.

It is OMC tradition to kick off the game with a live trivia challenge (except in OMC 4 when the entire game was non-live). It is also OMC tradition for not all of the agents to show up to this challenge. Congratulations to Mike for getting 11 answers and earning that exemption. But did he only now those answers because... HE'S THE MOLE??? Who knows? (A: Ryan and the mole.)

The blog-o-sphere challenge was a particularly sad affair. Al Gore invented the Internet as we know it today a long time ago (right before he invented global warming) - get with the times, people!

The truth & lies challenge was interesting in that only one player (Padraig) chose to lie. It's adorable that you're all so truthful.

In other news, here's how I judged this week's MP challenge

1. http://omc5padraig.blogspot.com/ - Oh Padraig, how I've missed you. Thanks for putting in the extra effort by making that "welcome agents" graphic.

2. http://moleexterminator.blogspot.com/ - The title of this blog puts it up top.

3. http://omc5ryan.blogspot.com/ - I enjoy the classy look of this blog.

4. http://omc5keith.blogspot.com/ - Nice and readable with a big picture.

5. http://omcaaron.blogspot.com/ - Interesting color scheme, though the purple text against a black background is a little hard to read.

6. http://elitebeatfred.blogspot.com/ - I admire the initiative to create your own template, though the lack
of content otherwise concerns me.

7. http://amithemole.blogspot.com/ - Nice and colorful, but dark green text against a black background is also hard to read.

8. http://www.omc5brent.blogspot.com/ - Pretty damn plain.

9. http://omc5andy.blogspot.com/ - Wow. Way to use Blogger's template and do absolutely nothing else.

10. Heidi... WTF, what's goin' on here...


Well I missed witnessing the first challenge, so that's a bummer. I had to choose between:

challenge and

S3 pt. 2

I chose LOST, plus I don't even officially know if I could've been in live challenges anyway lol. Ah well.

As the cast has been revealed, the first thing that I though was that we need some sort of cast biography. I want to get to know the players, and that's tough when all you have to go off of is some pics at the top of the page. So I'm going to talk with Ryan (host) about this.

Oh yeah, Ryan/host, what am I supposed to call you? The Host or Ryan?



HAHAHA! It's February 7th, and that means the first challenge is today!!! Interesting how the first challenge is cut throat trivia. I don't recall if that was TMO's first challenge, but it was definately near the beginning. I remember what I did as the Mole during this challenge, so when I sit in, I'm going to observe everyone to see who acts the most like how I did during trivia.

To read about my moleish deeds, read my REFLECTIONS for TMO.
(more bonus TMO content)

Awards we've won

What up Collin. Sam.

Collin, OMC 1 won ORG's "Best Mole Game" award. OMC 2 made the prestigious eGame Central Top 20. OMCs 3 and 4 didn't get a chance to win any awards because the whole award thing had pretty much gone down the crapper at that point. Though those games did win the fake "BEST GAME IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE" award that I myself award to all games made by me.

I wonder what is going on with the game right now... the forum seems to be silent at the moment...


Hmmm... I just found this quote on Virtual Eyes forums:

"The award-winning Online Mole Challenge series is back again with its fifth season!"
- Ryan (aka gridironde87)

Just to know more, what sort of awards did OMC win?


Introduction to Sam

Hi everyone! I'm Sam, mole of OMC4 and second-last player of OMC3. Travis created the second best ORG on the Internet with OMC. You are very lucky to take part in the next incarnation, so don't be pathetic losers like Ty and whatever-his-name-is and idle out like those two did last game. I wish Ryan had selected more than 10 people since it sounds like he got a fair number of applicants in order to prevent this from happening again. I also wish he had personally selected you guys, since it seems to me that this challenge format did not work out to select a cast for OMC4. But he's the host and not me so I'm sure he has reasons for all of that. =)

I've hosted 6 Survivor games and 2 Mafia games over the past four years which is why I think I know so much. You can see my 36-person magnum opus All-Star game here: Survivor 5: Asteria ~ All-Stars. It's got links to all the rest of my games as well as a 26 episode summary for that game. Recently I placed first out of 30 in Joe's Big Brother 7, a grueling 100-day struggle for power between serious players.

As the mole in OMC4, I somehow managed to eke out the best performance of any mole in the series. Besides the winner, only two out of 26 quizzes were written out with me as the mole and neither of those were on the episode they were eliminated. At the final 3 I had convinced Ryan L that Ryan F was the mole, pocketing me $32.63 which I spent on Final Fantasy I+II: Dawn of Souls for the GBA. For a complete summary of how I played the game and all of my tricks, read my blog from the game.

By now you think I'm an arrogant wanker because I've been blowing my own horn for the last three paragraphs. But I'm really not, I promise. =) I just believe I have some experience in the area, which is why I think my ideas are at least worth considering. I may be totally and laughably incorrect on who the mole is as the game goes on, but that's part of the fun and I'm not afraid to embarass myself.

The biggest worry I have with this blog is that we will all spend our time pontificating on games of the past and not pay attention to the one going on at the current time. Other than this post, I promise to try and keep the focus on OMC5 and not on the glory days of the past. I will reference things I've learned during my stint as the mole (and I encourage you to read my blog to read about some key tactics that will help you as the mole or to discover the mole) but I will try and keep that to a minimum. There's going to be a fantastic game taking place in front of our eyes and I can't wait to see it.

Though I am a little worried for whoever the Mole is this season. You have three people watching you like hawks: two previous Moles and the freaking host of four seasons who watched every game and knows all the behind-the-scenes secrets. Is it humanly possible for anyone to camoflauge themselves in such a brightly-lit arena? They will have to pull out the tricks like never before and manage to blend in plain sight. I'm excited to see how it plays out.

Good luck to everyone and keep an eye on our blog!


Let the Games Begin!

Well OMC 5 has FINALLY begun! I personally have not been involved with the OMC series, but I do have experience with ORG Mole games as personally being the mole in crazyemu's first Mole game, The Mole Online (TMO, for short). I've also participated in crazyemu's first ORG, Video Game Survivor (VGS). Ryan gave me some links of Travis' old games and they all looked great! For all of the OMC veterans, I think Ryan will do great as the new host and bring a great new feel to the game. This game goes far beyond that of the average ORG. I can't wait to see how the first challenge will go, as it already is opening with the challenge of not knowing your teammates. I'm going to analyze what you contestants do and make my own predictions about the game (please, don't be surprised if I am wrong...).

From what I've heard, this is going to be the most in-depth story and challenging game crazyemu has hosted. For all the players, good luck!